"Essays published on the Texas ScholarWorks platform, 2012-2022" updates earlier indices for all topic areas I have explored over the past decade. Here is the link. Entries for each essay include title, abstract, and link.
Here is the abstract:
This is a list of essays I have published on this platform in the past decade. Topics include documentation of ascending and upper-register cadence gestures in European and European-influenced musics, studies of the major dominant ninth chord, and formal functions (after Caplin) in music by Mozart and his contemporaries.
An author search on the platform's home page will give two "David Neumeyer"s--they're both me:link 1 to 62 entries; link 2 to 23 entries.
Here are three other blogs I have written and maintained over the years: Ascending Cadence Gestures in Tonal Music; Dance and Dance Music, 1650-1850; Hearing Schubert D779n13.